Recent Publications

  • Cabral, AC; Lavrador, M; Castel-Branco, M; Figueiredo, IV; Fernandez-Llimos, F. (2024). Development and validation of a Medication Adherence Universal Questionnaire: the MAUQ (vol 45, pg 999, 2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, 46, 1243-1243. 10.1007/s11096-024-01795-x

    Mutschler, E; Roloff, T; Neves, A; Aamot, HV; Rodriguez-Sanchez, B; Ramirez, M; Rossen, J; Couto, N; Novais, A; Howden, BP; Brisse, S; Reuter, S; Nolte, O; Egli, A; Seth-Smith, HMB. (2024). Towards unified fi ed reporting of genome sequencing results in clinical microbiology. PEERJ, 12. 10.7717/peerj.17673

  • Carvalho, VCF; Gan, A; Shon, A; Kolakovic, S; Freitas, EB; Reis, MAM; Fradinho, JC; Oehmen, A. (2024). The phototrophic metabolic behaviour of Candidatus accumulibacter. WATER RESEARCH, 259. 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121865

    Langa, IM; Ribeiro, ARL; Ratola, N; Gonçalves, VMF; Tiritan, ME; Ribeiro, C. (2024). Amphetamine-like substances and synthetic cathinones in Portuguese wastewater influents: Enantiomeric profiling and role of suspended particulate matter. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, 361. 10.1016/j.forsciint.2024.112128

  • Mollet, IG; Viana-Soares, R; Cardoso-Pires, C; Soares, NL; Marto, JP; Mendonca, M; Queiroga, CSF; Carvalho, AS; Sequeira, CO; Teixeira-Santos, L; Fernandes, TP; Aloria, K; Pereira, SA; Matthiesen, R; Viana-Baptista, M; Vieira, HLA. (2024). Identification of human circulating factors following remote ischemic conditioning (RIC): Potential impact on stroke. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 224, 23-38. 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2024.08.017

    Ferreira, AS; Silva, AM; Laveriano-Santos, EP; Lozano-Castellón, J; Lamuela-Raventós, RM; Svarc-Gajíc, J; Delerue-Matos, C; Estevinho, BN; Costa, PC; Rodrigues, F. (2024). Development and characterization of spray-drying microparticles loaded with chestnut shells extract: New insights for oral mucositis therapy. POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 446. 10.1016/j.powtec.2024.120182

  • Pérez-Pereira, A; Gonçalves, VMF; Ribeiro, ARL; Fernandes, C; Carrola, JS; Ribeiro, C; Tiritan, ME. (2024). Development of an Enantioselective Method by Liquid Chromatography to Monitor 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone in Culture Media from Ecotoxicity Assays. SEPARATIONS, 11. 10.3390/separations11080248

    Coelho, MM; Costa, I; de Albuquerque, ACF; dos Santos, FM Jr; Silva, B; Silva, R; Fernandes, C; Remiao, F; Tiritan, ME. (2024). Milligram scale enantioresolution of promethazine and its main metabolites, determination of their absolute configuration and assessment of enantioselective effects on human SY-SY5Y cells. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS, 245. 10.1016/j.jpba.2024.116152

  • Senra, BP; Ribeiro, H; Guedes, A. (2024). Technical note: Application of Handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometers in forensic analysis of cigarette ash. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, 361. 10.1016/j.forsciint.2024.112083

    Wissner, JL; Parada-Fabián, JC; Márquez-Velázquez, NA; Escobedo-Hinojosa, W; Gaudencio, SP; Prieto-Davó, A. (2024). Diversity and Bioprospection of Gram-positive Bacteria Derived from a Mayan Sinkhole. MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, 87. 10.1007/s00248-024-02392-1

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