
Angelina S. Palma
Research Lab Leader
Research Group
Assistant Professor (since 2022)
Personal Website
Phone number
(+351) 212948300 (ext: 10940)
Ciência Vitae
Recent publications
- Campanero-Rhodes, MA; Palma, AS; Menendez, M; Solis, D. 2020. Microarray Strategies for Exploring Bacterial Surface Glycans and Their Interactions With Glycan-Binding Proteins. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02909
- Vendele, I. and Willment, J.A. and Silva, L.M. and Palma, A.S. and Chai, W. and Liu, Y. and Feizi, T. and Spyrou, M. and Stappers, M.H.T. and Brown, G.D. and Gow, N.A.R.. 2020. Mannan detecting C-type lectin receptor probes recognise immune epitopes with diverse chemical, spatial and phylogenetic heterogeneity in fungal cell walls. PLoS Pathogens, 16(1), DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007927
- Gao, T; Yan, JY; Liu, CC; Palma, AS; Guo, ZM; Xiao, M; Chen, X; Liang, XM; Chai, WG; Cao, HZ. 2019. Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of O-Mannose Glycans Containing Sulfated or Nonsulfated HNK-1 Epitope. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 141, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b08964
- Pandeirada, CO; Maricato, E; Ferreira, SS; Correia, VG; Pinheiro, BA; Evtuguin, DV; Palma, AS; Correia, A; Vilanova, M; Coimbra, MA; Nunes, C. 2019. Structural analysis and potential immunostimulatory activity of Nannochloropsis oculata polysaccharides. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 222, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.06.001
- Rudkin, FM; Raziunaite, I; Workman, H; Essono, S; Belmonte, R; MacCallum, DM; Johnson, EM; Silva, L; Palma, AS; Feizi, T; Jensen, A; Erwig, LP; Gow, NAR. 2019. Single human B cell-derived monoclonal anti-Candida antibodies enhance phagocytosis and protect against disseminated candidiasis (vol 9, 5288, 2018). Nature Communications, 10, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08392-x
Main research interests
- Development of glycome-based glycan microarrays for interrogating glycomes and proteomes leading to: 1) glycan ligand discovery and function; and 2) unraveling of glycan-recognition systems
- Endogenous and microbial glycan recognition systems of biomedical and biotechnological interest and glycan-mediated microbe-host interactions
- Antibodies for cancer diagnosis and therapy
- Structure-function integrative approaches combining glycan-microarrays with complementary methodologies such as X-Ray crystallography to characterize glycan-protein interaction