
Susana P. Gaudêncio
Research Lab Leader
Research Group
Assistant Researcher (Permanent contract) (since 2012)
Personal Website
Phone number
(+351) 212948300 (ext: 10994)
Ciência Vitae
Recent publications
- Xenia TSchneider; Belma KStroil; Christiana Tourapi; Céline Rebours; Lucie Novoveska; Marlen IVasquez; Susana PGaudêncio. 2023. Improving awareness, understanding, and enforcement of responsibilities and regulations in Blue Biotechnology. TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2023.05.011
- Catalao, M; Fernandes, M; Galdon, L; Rodrigues, CF; Sobral, RG; Gaudencio, SP; Torres, CAV. 2023. Exopolysaccharide Production from Marine-Derived Brevundimonas huaxiensis Obtained from Estremadura Spur Pockmarks Sediments Revealing Potential for Circular Economy. Marine Drugs, 21, DOI: 10.3390/md21070419
- Gaudencio, SP; Bayram, E; Bilela, LL; Cueto, M; Diaz-Marrero, AR; Haznedaroglu, BZ; Jimenez, C; Mandalakis, M; Pereira, F; Reyes, F; Tasdemir, D. 2023. Advanced Methods for Natural Products Discovery: Bioactivity Screening, Dereplication, Metabolomics Profiling, Genomic Sequencing, Databases and Informatic Tools, and Structure Elucidation. Marine Drugs, 21, DOI: 10.3390/md21050308
- Valente, S; Oliveira, F; Ferreira, IJ; Paiva, A; Sobral, RG; Diniz, MS; Gaudencio, SP; Duarte, ARC. 2023. Hydrophobic DES Based on Menthol and Natural Organic Acids for Use in Antifouling Marine Coatings. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c01120
- Oliveira, J; Almeida, PL; Sobral, RG; Lourenco, ND; Gaudencio, SP. 2022. Marine-Derived Actinomycetes: Biodegradation of Plastics and Formation of PHA Bioplastics-A Circular Bioeconomy Approach. Marine Drugs, 20, DOI: 10.3390/md20120760
- Schneider, XT; Stroil, BK; Tourapi, C; Rebours, C; Gaudêncio, SP; Novoveska, L; Vasquez, MI. 2022. Responsible Research and Innovation Framework, the Nagoya Protocol and Other European Blue Biotechnology Strategies and Regulations: Gaps Analysis and Recommendations for Increased Knowledge in the Marine Biotechnology Community. Marine Drugs, 20, DOI: 10.3390/md20050290
- Gaudencio, SP; Pereira, F. 2022. Predicting Antifouling Activity and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition of Marine-Derived Compounds Using a Computer-Aided Drug Design Approach. Marine Drugs, 20, DOI: 10.3390/md20020129
- Pinto-Almeida, A; Bauermeister, A; Luppino, L; Grilo, IR; Oliveira, J; Sousa, JR; Petras, D; Rodrigues, CF; Prieto-Davo, A; Tasdemir, D; Sobral, RG; Gaudencio, SP. 2022. The Diversity, Metabolomics Profiling, and the Pharmacological Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from the Estremadura Spur Pockmarks (Portugal). Marine Drugs, 20, DOI: 10.3390/md20010021
- Rotter, A; Gaudencio, SP; Klun, K; Macher, JN; Thomas, OP; Deniz, I; Edwards, C; Grigalionyte-Bembic, E; Ljubesic, Z; Robbens, J; Varese, GC; Vasquez, MI. 2021. A New Tool for Faster Construction of Marine Biotechnology Collaborative Networks. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.685164
- Rotter, A; Barbier, M; Bertoni, F; Bones, AM; Cancela, ML; Carlsson, J; Carvalho, MF; Ceglowska, M; Chirivella-Martorell, J; Dalay, MC; Cueto, M; Dailianis, T; Deniz, I; Diaz-Marrero, AR; Drakulovic, D; Dubnika, A; Edwards, C; Einarsson, H; Erdogan, A; Eroldogan, OT; Ezra, D; Fazi, S; FitzGerald, RJ; Gargan, LM; Gaudencio, SP; Udovic, MG; DeNardis, NI; Jonsdottir, R; Katarzyte, M; Klun, K; Kotta, J; Ktari, L; Ljubesic, Z; Bilela, LL; Mandalakis, M; Massa-Gallucci, A; Matijosyte, I; Mazur-Marzec, H; Mehiri, M; Nielsen, SL; Novoveska, L; Overlinge, D; Perale, G; Ramasamy, P; Rebours, C; Reinsch, T; Reyes, F; Rinkevich, B; Robbens, J; Rottinger, E; Rudovica, V; Sabotid, J; Safarik, I; Talve, S; Tasdemir, D; Schneider, XT; Thomas, OP; Torunska-Sitarz, A; Varese, GC; Vasquez, MI. 2021. The Essentials of Marine Biotechnology. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.629629
- Barreca, M; Spane, V; Montalbano, A; Cueto, M; Marrero, ARD; Deniz, I; Erdogan, A; Bilela, LL; Moulin, C; Taffin-de-Givenchy, E; Spriano, F; Perale, G; Mehiri, M; Rotter, A; Thomas, OP; Barraja, P; Gaudencio, SP; Bertoni, F. 2020. Marine Anticancer Agents: An Overview with a Particular Focus on Their Chemical Classes. Marine Drugs, 18, DOI: 10.3390/md18120619
- Gaudencio, SP; Pereira, F. 2020. A Computer-Aided Drug Design Approach to Predict Marine Drug-Like Leads for SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibition. Marine Drugs, 18, DOI: 10.3390/md18120633
- Oliveira, J; Belchior, A; da Silva, VD; Rotter, A; Petrovski, Z; Almeida, PL; Lourenco, ND; Gaudencio, SP. 2020. Marine Environmental Plastic Pollution: Mitigation by Microorganism Degradation and Recycling Valorization. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.567126
- Rotter, A; Bacu, A; Barbier, M; Bertoni, F; Bones, A; Cancela, ML; Carlsson, J; Carvalho, MF; Ceglowska, M; Dalay, MC; Dailianis, T; Deniz, I; Drakulovi, D; Dubnika, A; Einarsson, H; Erdogan, A; Eroldogan, OT; Ezra, D; Fazi, S; FitzGerald, RJ; Gargan, LM; Gaudencio, SP; DeNardis, NI; Joksimovic, D; Katarzyte, M; Kotta, J; Mandalakis, M; Matijosyte, I; Mazur-Marzec, H; Massa-Gallucci, A; Mohamed, M; Nielsen, SL; Novoveska, L; Overlinge, D; Portman, ME; Pyrc, K; Rebours, C; Reinsch, T; Reyes, F; Rinkevich, B; Robbens, J; Rudovica, V; Sabotic, J; Safarik, I; Talve, S; Tasdemir, D; Schneider, XT; Thomas, OP; Torunska-Sitarz, A; Varese, GC; Vasquez, MI. 2020. A New Network for the Advancement of Marine Biotechnology in Europe and Beyond. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00278
- Rui Pedrosa; Susana P. Gaudêncio; Vitor Vasconcelos. 2020. XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products|XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products. Marine Drugs, DOI: 10.3390/md18010040
- Florbela Pereira; Joana Almeida; Marisa Paulino; Inês RGrilo; Helena Macedo; Cunha I; Rita Sobral; Vitor Vasconcelos; Susana Gaudencio. 2020. Antifouling Napyradiomycins from Marine-Derived Actinomycetes <i>Streptomyces aculeolatus</i>. Marine Drugs, DOI: 10.3390/md18010063
- Paula C. Jimenez; Diego V. Wilke; Paola C. Branco; Anelize Bauermeister; Paula Rezende‐Teixeira; Susana P. Gaudêncio; Leticia V. Costa‐Lotufo. 2019. Enriching Cancer Pharmacology with Drugs of Marine Origin. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, DOI: 10.1111/bph.14876
- Cruz, S; Gomes, SE; Borralho, PM; Rodrigues, CMP; Gaudencio, SP; Pereira, F. 2018. In Silico HCT116 Human Colon Cancer Cell-Based Models En Route to the Discovery of Lead-Like Anticancer Drugs. BIOMOLECULES, 8, DOI: 10.3390/biom8030056
- Bauermeister, A; Velasco-Alzate, K; Dias, T; Macedo, H; Ferreira, EG; Jimenez, PC; Lotufo, TMC; Lopes, NP; Gaudencio, SP; Costa-Lotufo, LV. 2018. Metabolomic Fingerprinting of Salinispora From Atlantic Oceanic Islands. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03021
- Letzel, AC; Li, J; Amos, GCA; Millan-Aguinaga, N; Ginigini, J; Abdelmohsen, UR; Gaudencio, SP; Ziemert, N; Moore, BS; Jensen, PR. 2017. Genomic insights into specialized metabolism in the marine actinomycete Salinispora. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 19, DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13867
- Prieto-Davo, A; Dias, T; Gomes, SE; Rodrigues, S; Parera-Valadezl, Y; Borralho, PM; Pereira, F; Rodrigues, CMP; Santos-Sanches, I; Gaudencio, SP. 2016. The Madeira Archipelago As a Significant Source of Marine-Derived Actinomycete Diversity with Anticancer and Antimicrobial Potential. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01594
Main research interests
- Discovery and development of lead-like agents for drug discovery and biotechnological applications. Identification of new bioactive small molecules from marine-derived actinomycete sources collected off the Atlantic.