
Luís Jaime Gomes Ferreira da Silva Mota
Research Lab Leader
Phone number
(+351) 212948530 (ext: 11113)
Ciência Vitae
Recent publications
- Bugalhao, JN; Mota, LJ. 2019. The multiple functions of the numerous Chlamydia trachomatis secreted proteins: the tip of the iceberg. MICROBIAL CELL, 6, DOI: 10.15698/mic2019.09.691
- Pais, SV; Key, CE; Borges, V; Pereira, IS; Gomes, JP; Fisher, DJ; Mota, LJ. 2019. CteG is a Chlamydia trachomatis effector protein that associates with the Golgi complex of infected host cells. Scientific Reports, 9, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42647-3
Main research interests
- Molecular and cellular mechanisms of infection of intracellular bacterial pathogens (Chlamydia and Legionella).
- Specialised bacterial protein secretion systems (type III and type IV).